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6 Best Solutions to Examination Malpractice in Nigeria

Solutions to Examination Malpractice: Examination malpractice has eaten deep into the educational system of Nigeria and it can no longer be totally defeated. However, This article will discuss various forms, causes, and solutions to Examination Malpractice. Keep reading!

Table of Content

1. What is Examination Malpractice?

2. Types of Exam Malpractice

3. Causes of Examination Malpractice

4. Effect of Examination Malpractice

5. Solutions to Examination Malpractice in Nigeria
Solutions to Examination Malpractice

What is Examination Malpractice?

It’s vital to take each word one at a time to grasp the meaning of examination malpractice.

A formal test of a person’s knowledge or aptitude in a subject or skill is called an “examination.”

In Nigeria, the test is normally required before a student may go to the next level of school.

Malpractice, according to the Oxford learned lexicon, is unethical, unlawful, or irresponsible professional behavior.

Malpractice has a varied connotation in law (though not totally different). It refers to a professional’s neglect or lack of expertise in any discipline.

We can simply describe exam malpractice as unlawful or illegal action by an examination candidate with the purpose of passing the examination, as stated by the definitions above.

Types of Exam Malpractice

There are several forms of examination misconduct, however, the following are the most common:

1. Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is when you present a piece of writing that was copied from someone else and presented as your own.

2. Falsification:

Document falsification or falsification of data, information, or reference sources.

3. Cheating During an Exam:

An act of utilizing exam-related material in such a way that the examiner is unaware of it.

It can also refer to looking over someone’s answers during an exam.

4. Bribery:

Getting the examination questions and right answers prior to the exam day or marks for money

5. Sabotage:

An endeavor to ensure that others do not pass the examinations. This includes shredding pages from their books, causing purposeful harm to someone else’s work, and so forth.

7. Professorial Teaching Malpractice:

Giving a student’s work an inaccurate grade on purpose or promoting academic dishonesty.

8. Dishonesty:

Giving false information to the educational professionals

Causes of Examination Malpractice

Below are possible causes of Examination malpractice in Nigeria:

1. Parent’s Failure to be Responsible:

It is part of parents’ work to train their children on how to be self-dependent and also to build a level of confidence in their children.

Parents can’t be exempted from this social wrong because they also contribute to this problem.

2. Failure of our Education System: 

Foremost, I must emphasize that many students cheat during examinations as a result of the country’s failing educational system.

Many students in Nigeria nowadays have realized that they are wasting their time studying since it would not pay off.

3. Undue Emphasis on Certificate: 

In Nigeria, the emphasis on school certification is getting frightening. You would agree with me that many Nigerian pupils have lost interest in attending school.

The most important thing to them is to achieve the highest possible grades in all of their disciplines and courses.

4. Environmental Factor:

We currently live in an environment that celebrates examination misconduct and sees nothing wrong with it.

A child’s environment can form and influence them. And children are fast to adopt the current conventions.

People increasingly view failure as a negative experience, and it is impossible to perceive failure in the proper light, thus students will use whatever methods necessary to pass a test.

5. Overpopulation in Schools:

What do you anticipate 150 students to perform during an examination when the classroom is full?

In the first place, the climate obviously encourages examination malpractice. Almost every government-owned secondary and higher institution in Nigeria is like this.

Effect of Examination Malpractice

1. A country that is intellectually behind because of a lack of pupils who can think analytically, critically, and independently.

2. A country that the unqualified because of its failure to create leaders who are psychologically, morally, and physically capable will rule.

3. The number of students with poor self-esteem will rise.

4. We will not give students who study hard the opportunity to show their abilities since there is no level playing field.

5. The nation’s economic progress will be harmed since people who can propel the economy ahead have been pushed to the margins of society.

6. The unemployment rate will climb.

7. The number of students who cannot think and solve issues independently will rise.

8. It will increase the number of pupils who doubt their capacity to attain success in life.

9. In every community that allows it, malpractice can become endemic.


Solutions to Examination Malpractice in Nigeria

Solutions to Examination MalpracticeBelow are some tentative solutions to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria:

1. Good Parental Education/Upbringing

Good Parental Education/Upbringing is one solution to Examination Malpractice. However, it is apparent that parental rearing has a significant role in test malpractice in Nigeria.

Exam malpractice in Nigeria can be increased or decreased depending on how a child is educated.

The reason for this is that most individuals act the way they do in public because that is how they were taught.

2. Incentives for Those Who Report Malpractice Cases

Incentives for those who report malpractice cases are another Solution to Examination Malpractice. Nigeria’s government devised a new method of detecting corrupt individuals in the country in 2011.

The administration announced publicly that anyone who discloses any incidence of corruption to the government will be rewarded. They uncovered many corrupt government officials that year.

In fact, some unscrupulous individuals who did not want to be detected began pressuring the government to end the strategy.

If the same approaches are used to combat examination misconduct in Nigeria, the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria will rapidly decline.

3. Creation of More Schools and Learning Facilities

The creation of More Schools and Learning Facilities is a major solutions to examination Malpractice. The government handles this.

By building more schools in Nigeria, there would be fewer pupils in each classroom, which will prevent any type of test malpractice.

Pupils who attend schools with a small number of students do better than those who attend schools with a large number of students.

The reason for this is that kids in those schools with fewer students are closely monitored to ensure that they understand what is being taught in the classroom.

In an overcrowded school, however, no instructor or lecturer has the time or energy to do so.

4. Increase in the Salary of Teachers

An increase in the salary of teachers is one of the important Solutions to Examination Malpractice in Nigeria.

Not every instructor or lecturer enjoys encouraging pupils to commit examination misconduct.

Teachers may participate in examination misconduct when their salaries are insufficient.

As a result, in order to raise their compensation, they would require students to pay a fee in order to pass the examination.

5. Government Should Encourage Education

If the government encourages education, the number of examination malpractice cases reported in the country each year will drop dramatically.

Students in the United States of America who cannot fully fund their education can presently borrow money from the US government.

This not only demonstrates the importance of their education. It also encourages students in the United States to continue their studies.

Increasing the pay for all professions is also a good idea since when students are secure in their future earnings, they are less likely to hunt for methods to make money or defraud others online.

6. De-emphasizing the Need for a Certificate

De-emphasizing the Need for a Certificate is are Solutions to Examination Malpractice Many students in Nigeria will continue to strive for excellent marks through whatever means until they place less emphasis on paper qualifications.

The reason many students participate in test malpractice is to achieve the best score possible while in school since this will indicate how well they are prepared for their future vocation.

Employers of labor must recognize that grades do not always indicate a person’s suitability for a position. The practical capacity of a person will reveal whether they are truly qualified for a position.

It is possible for a student who received poor grades in school to perform better than a student who received good grades in the same field of study.

If you have any more questions or suggestions about Solutions to Examination Malpractice for this post, please leave them in the comments area.

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