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Adult Basic Education: All You Need to Know

Adult Basic Education: From kindergarten to higher education, the school prepares individuals to live and work in our society. When we think of education, we usually associate it with the formal education of children, adolescents, and young people.

Adult Basic Education: All You Need to Know

Although they are the primary beneficiaries of education under international human rights law, adults are also recognized rights-holders. The right to education is, like all other human rights, universal. And it applies to everyone, irrespective of age.

In this article, you will read about what adult basic education is. Also, you will learn about some of the benefits associated with adult basic education.

What is Adult Basic Education?

Adult basic education is distinct from child education. It is a practice in which adults engage in systematic and sustained self-educating activities. And this is in order to gain new forms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values.

Also, it can mean any form of learning adults engage in beyond traditional schooling. It encompasses basic literacy to personal fulfilment as a lifelong learner. Additionally, it is to ensure the fulfilment of an individual.

In particular, adult education reflects a specific philosophy about learning and teaching. And this is based on the assumption that adults can and want to learn.

Also, they are able and willing to take responsibility for the learning. And that the learning itself should respond to their needs.

Characteristics of Adult Basic Education

Educating adults differs from educating children in several ways. Most adult basic education is voluntary. Therefore, the participants are generally self-motivated, unless required to participate by an employer.

The practice of adult basic education is referred to as andragogy. And this is to distinguish it from the traditional school-based education for children – pedagogy. However, unlike children, adults are seen as more self-directed rather than relying on others for help.

Also, adults are mature and therefore have the knowledge and gained life experiences. This provides them with a foundation for learning. An adult’s readiness to learn is linked to their need to have the information.

Their orientation to learn is problem-centred rather than subject-centred. Also, their motivation to learn is internal.

The Purpose of Adult Basic Education

Adults frequently apply their knowledge in a practical fashion to learn effectively. Also, they must have a reasonable expectation that the knowledge they gain will help them further their goals.

The purpose of adult basic education in the form of college or university is distinct. In these institutions, the aim is typically related to personal growth and development as well as occupation and career preparedness.

Interestingly, adult basic education that focuses specifically on the workplace is often referred to as human resource development. Another goal might be to sustain a democratic society. Furthermore, it aims to even challenge and improve its social structure.

Other Objectives of Adult Basic Education

Adult basic education aims to provide a second chance for those who are poor in society. Also, it is for those who have lost access to education for other reasons. And this is in order to achieve social justice and equal access to education.

Furthermore, adult education is often a social policy of the government. Continuing education can help adults maintain certifications, fulfil job requirements and stay up to date on new developments in their field.

Also, the purpose of adult education can be vocational, social, recreational or for self-development. One of its goals may be to help adult learners satisfy their personal needs and achieve their professional goals.

A larger-scale goal of adult education may be the growth of society. And this is by enabling its citizens to keep up with societal change and maintain good social order.

Some Challenges of Adult Basic Education

Some Challenges of Adult Basic Education

A common problem in adult education is the lack of professional development opportunities for adult educators. Most adult educators come from other professions and are not well trained to deal with adult learning issues.

Most of the positions available in this field are only part-time without any benefits or stability. This is so since they are usually funded by government grants that might last for only a couple of years.

However, in some countries, which contain advanced systems of adult education, professional development is available. And this is through post-secondary institutions.

This provides professional development. There are programs about adult education for existing and aspiring practitioners. And this is at various academic levels, by universities, colleges, and professional organizations.

Benefits of Adult Basic Education

Adult education can be a lifelong process. Also, adult basic education can have many benefits ranging from:

  • Better health.
  • Personal well-being.
  • Greater social inclusion.

Also, it can support the function of democratic systems. And can provide greater opportunities for finding new or better employment. Also, adult education has been shown to have a positive impact on the economy.


Additionally, adult basic education provides opportunities for:

  • Personal growth.
  • Goal fulfilment and socialization.

Friendship and Adult Basic Education

Friendship has been described as an important aspect of adult learning. The classroom is seen as a part of their social network.

In recent studies, the friendships that are made between adults seem to have an increasing effect on their social structure as a whole.

The development of social networks and support was found to be a key motivation of adult learners.

With this article, you have learnt about what adult basic education is today. Do not hesitate to share this page with your loved ones. Please do not keep this enlightenment to yourself.

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