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OOU School Fee 2022/2023 for New and Returning Students  

OOU School Fee for the 2022/2023 academic session has been published online. To learn more about this just continue reading.

OOU School Fees 2022/2023 for New and Returning Students  

In this article, we have provided the detailed cost of the OOU School Fee for 2022/2023. And this consists of fees for freshers and also for old students.

Please understand that as of the time of publishing this information, the OOU School Fee total amount updated here is according to what is on the school portal HERE

OOU School Fee

Would you love to learn about the OOU School Fee? If yes, then below is a breakdown of Olabisi Onabanjo University School Fees for the 2022/2023 academic session.

=N= =N=
SMS-Acctg/Business Admin/Eco/BFN/MComm 103,536.00 103,536
SMS-Others 88,012.00 88,012
Arts 81,112.00 81,112
Agriculture (Agric Econs/CBM) 77,872.00 77,872
Agriculture (Others) 74,728.00 74,728
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Eco/B.Admin. 82,372.00 82,372
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Social Studies/Pol Sci/Geography 82,828.00 82,828
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)- Eng/Yoruba/History/French/IRS/CRS 79,828.00 79,828
Education Foundation & counselling(EFC)-G&C/Nursary&Pry Edu 79,828.00 79,828
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Business Edu & Acct Edu 82,372.00 82,372
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Secretarial Education 82,828.00 82,828
Human Kinetics & Health Education(HKHE)-Physical Edu & Health Edu 80,488.00 80,488
Science & Technology Education(STED) Physis Edu/Chem/Bio/Maths/CMP/Integrated  Sci 80,488.00 80,488
Engineering(Core)-Civil/Agric   Engr/Mech/CMP/Architecture/Elect.Elect 116,296.00 116,296
Engineering -(Fine Arts/Urban&Regional Planing) 104,046.00 104,046
Law 132,996.00 132,996
Medicine 176,396.00 176,396
Basic Medical Sciences 97,236.00 97,236
Pharmacy 149,530.00 149,530
Sciences–GEO/MCB/CMP 97,236.00 97,236
Sciences–Others 89,212.00 89,212
IN ADDITION to the above, please note that the below listed are to be paid by all students along with the school fees scheduled above.
TISHIP 2,000.00
GNS FEES 3,500.00
ENERGY LEVY 5,000.00


Approved OOU School Fee for 200L (UME) & 300L (DE) Freshers

=N= =N= =N=
SMS-Acctg/Busines Admin/Eco/BFN/MComm 100,536.00 2,500.00 103,036
SMS-Others 85,012.00 2,500.00 87,512
Arts 78,112.00 2,500.00 80,612
Agriculture (Agric Econs/CBM) 74,872.00 2,500.00 77,372
Agriculture (Others) 71,728.00 2,500.00 74,228
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Eco/B.Admin. 79,372.00 7,500.00 86,872
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Social Studies/Pol Sci/Geography 79,828.00 7,500.00 87,328
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)- Eng/Yoruba/History/French/IRS/CRS/ 76,828.00 7,500.00 84,328
Education  Foundation  &  counselling(EFC)-G&C/Nursary&Pry Edu 76,828.00 7,500.00 84,328
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Business Edu & Acct Edu 79,372.00 7,500.00 86,872
Education Management  & Business  Studies(EMBS)Secretarial  Education 79,828.00 7,500.00 87,328
Human Kinetics & Health Education(HKHE)-Physical Edu & Health Edu 77,488.00 7,500.00 84,988
Science & Technology Education(STED) Physis Edu/Chem/Bio/Maths/CMP/Integrated    Sci 77,488.00 7,500.00 84,988
Engineering(Core)-Civil/Agric      Engr/Mech/CMP/Architecture/Elect.Elect 113,296.00 2,500.00 115,796
Engineering -(Fine Arts/Urban&Regional Planing) 101,046.00 2,500.00 103,546
Law 129,996.00 2,500.00 132,496
Medicine 173,396.00 7,500.00 180,896
Basic Medical Sciences 94,236.00 4,000.00 98,236
Pharmacy 146,530.00 8,700.00 155,230
Sciences–GEO/MCB/CMP 94,236.00 2,500.00 96,736
Sciences–Others 86,212.00 2,500.00 88,712


NOTE: In addition to the above, the below listed are to be paid by all students.

TISHIP: 2,000.00

ENERGY LEVY: 3,500.00

NOTE 2: Please note that the items listed below are other fees in the school fees schedule above for once and for all paymentsItems  Medicine  BMS  Pharmacy  SCIENCE Education
Manuals              (200 level & 300 Level DE) N5000 N1000 N6200 N/A N/A
Log Book           (200 level & 300 Level DE) N/A N500 N/A N/A N/A
Posting Booklets   (200 level & 300 Level DE) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Field Trip : N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Siwes Log Book (300 level & 400 Level ) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Teaching Practice/PracticalGNS Levy Of N2500 for all 200 Level Students N/A N/A N/A N/A N5000


Approved OOU School Fee for 300L (UME) & 400L (DE) Freshers

Approved School Fees for 300L (UME) & 400L (DE) Freshers

=N= =N= =N=
SMS-Acctg/Business Admin/Eco/BFN/MComm 100,536.00 1,000.00 101,536
SMS-Others 85,012.00 1,000.00 86,012
Arts 78,112.00 1,000.00 79,112
Agriculture (Agric Econs/CBM) 74,872.00 1,000.00 75,872
Agriculture (Others) 71,728.00 1,000.00 72,728
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Eco/B.Admin. 79,372.00 6,000.00 85,372
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Social Studies/Pol Sci/Geography 79,828.00 6,000.00 85,828
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)- Eng/Yoruba/History/French/IRS/CRS/ 76,828.00 6,000.00 82,828
Education Foundation & counselling(EFC)-G&C/Nursary&Pry Edu 76,828.00 6,000.00 82,828
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Business Edu & Acct Edu 79,372.00 6,000.00 85,372
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Secretarial Education 79,828.00 6,000.00 85,828
Human Kinetics & Health Education(HKHE)-Physical Edu & Health Edu 77,488.00 6,000.00 83,488
Science & Technology Education(STED) Physis Edu/Chem/Bio/Maths/CMP/Integrated Sci 77,488.00 6,000.00 83,488
Engineering(Core)-Civil/Agric Engr/Mech/CMP/Architecture/Elect.Elect 113,296.00 1,000.00 114,296
Engineering -(Fine Arts/Urban&Regional Planing) 101,046.00 1,000.00 102,046
Law 129,996.00 1,000.00 130,996
Medicine 173,396.00 6,000.00 179,396
Basic Medical Sciences 94,236.00 2,500.00 96,736
Pharmacy 146,530.00 7,000.00 153,530
Sciences–GEO/MCB/CMP 94,236.00 1,500.00 95,736
Sciences–Others 86,212.00 1,500.00 87,712


NOTE: In addition to the above, the below listed are to be paid by all students.
TISHIP 2,000.00
ENERGY LEVY 3,500.00
NOTE: Please note that the items listed below are other fees in the school fees schedule above for once and for all payments
Items Medicine BMS Pharmacy Science Education
Manuals                (300 level & 400 Level DE) N5000 N1000 N6000 N/A N/A
Log Book              (300 level & 400 Level DE) N/A N500 N/A N/A N/A
Posting Booklets   (300 level & 400 Level DE) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Field Trip : N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Siwes Log Book (300 level & 400 Level ) N/A N/A N/A N500 N/A
Teaching Practice N/A N/A N/A N/A N5000
GNS Levy Of N1000 for all 300 Level Students


Approved OOU School Fee for 400L (UME) & 500L (DE) Freshers

=N= =N= =N=
SMS-Acctg/Business Admin/Eco/BFN/MComm 100,536.00 100,536
SMS-Others 85,012.00 85,012
Arts 78,112.00 78,112
Agriculture (Agric Econs/CBM) 74,872.00 5,500.00 80,372
Agriculture (Others) 71,728.00 5,500.00 77,228
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Eco/B.Admin. 79,372.00 5,000.00 84,372
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Social Studies/Pol Sci/Geography 79,828.00 5,000.00 84,828
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)- Eng/Yoruba/History/French/IRS/CRS/ 76,828.00 5,000.00 81,828
Education Foundation & counselling(EFC)-G&C/Nursary&Pry Edu 76,828.00 5,000.00 81,828
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Business Edu & Acct Edu 79,372.00 5,000.00 84,372
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Secretarial Education 79,828.00 5,000.00 84,828
Human Kinetics & Health Education(HKHE)-Physical Edu & Health Edu 77,488.00 5,000.00 82,488
Science & Technology Education(STED) Physis Edu/Chem/Bio/Maths/CMP/Integrated Sci 77,488.00 5,000.00 82,488
Engineering(Core)-Civil/Agric     Engr/Mech/CMP/Architecture/Elect.Elect 113,296.00 500.00 113,796
Engineering -(Fine Arts/Urban&Regional Planing) 101,046.00 500.00 101,546
Law 129,996.00 129,996
Medicine 173,396.00 5,500.00 178,896
Basic Medical Sciences 94,236.00 500.00 94,736
Pharmacy 146,530.00 6,500.00 153,030
Sciences–GEO/MCB/CMP 94,236.00 5,500.00 99,736
Sciences–Others 86,212.00 5,500.00 91,712


NOTE: In addition to the above, the below listed are to be paid by all students.
TISHIP 2,000.00
ENERGY LEVY 3,500.00
NOTE: Please note that the items listed below are other fees in the school fees schedule above for once and for all payments
Items Medicine BMS Pharmacy Science Education  Agric Sc ENGR
Manuals                (400 level & 500 Level DE) N3000 N/A N6000 N/A N/A            N/A N/A
Log Book               (400 level & 500 Level DE) N500 N/A N/A N/A            N/A N/A
Posting Booklets  (400 level & 500 Level DE) N2500 N/A N/A N/A N/A            N/A N/A
Field Trip : N/A N/A N/A N5000 N/A            N/A N/A
Siwes Log Book (300 level & 400 Level ) N/A N/A N500 N500 N/A           N500 N500
Teaching Practice N/A N/A N/A N/A N5000        N5000 NA
Law School Levy 500 Level N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A            N/A N/A
All Spill students are required to pay school fees for that full session.


Approved OOU School Fee for 500L (UME) & 600L (DE) Freshers

Approved School Fees for 500L (UME) & 600L (DE) Freshers

=N= =N= =N=
SMS-Acctg/Business Admin/Eco/BFN/MComm 100,536.00 100,536
SMS-Others 85,012.00 85,012
Arts 78,112.00 78,112
Agriculture (Agric Econs/CBM) 74,872.00 74,872
Agriculture (Others) 71,728.00 71,728
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Eco/B.Admin. 79,372.00 79,372
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Social Studies/Pol Sci/Geography 79,828.00 79,828
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)- Eng/Yoruba/History/French/IRS/CRS/ 76,828.00 76,828
Education Foundation & counselling(EFC)-G&C/Nursary&Pry Edu 76,828.00 76,828
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Business Edu & Acct Edu 79,372.00 79,372
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Secretarial Education 79,828.00 79,828
Human Kinetics & Health Education(HKHE)-Physical Edu & Health Edu 77,488.00 77,488
Science & Technology Education(STED) Physis Edu/Chem/Bio/Maths/CMP/Integrated Sci 77,488.00 77,488
Engineering(Core)-Civil/Agric     Engr/Mech/CMP/Architecture/Elect.Elect 113,296.00 113,296
Engineering -(Fine Arts/Urban&Regional Planing) 101,046.00 101,046
Law 129,996.00 10,000.00 139,996
Medicine 173,396.00 5,500.00 178,896
Basic Medical Sciences 94,236.00 94,236
Pharmacy 146,530.00 6,000.00 152,530
Sciences–GEO/MCB/CMP 94,236.00 94,236
Sciences–Others 86,212.00 86,212


NOTE: In addition to the above, the below listed are to be paid by all students.
TISHIP 2,000.00
ENERGY LEVY 3,500.00
NOTE: Please note that the items listed below are other fees in the school fees schedule above for once and for all payments
Items Medicine BMS Pharmacy Science Education Agric Sc Law
Manuals (400 level & 500 Level DE) N3000 N/A N6000 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Log Book (400 level & 500 Level DE) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Posting Booklets (400 level & 500 Level DE) N2500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Field Trip N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Siwes Log Book (300 level & 400 Level ) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Teaching Practice N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA
Law School Levy 500 Level N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N10,000
All Spill students are required to pay school fees for that full session.


Approved OOU School Fee for 600L (UME)

=N= =N= =N=
SMS-Acctg/Business Admin/Eco/BFN/MComm 100,536.00 100,536
SMS-Others 85,012.00 85,012
Arts 78,112.00 78,112
Agriculture (Agric Econs/CBM) 74,872.00 74,872
Agriculture (Others) 71,728.00 71,728
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Eco/B.Admin. 79,372.00 79,372
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Social Studies/Pol Sci/Geography 79,828.00 79,828
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)- Eng/Yoruba/History/French/IRS/CRS/ 76,828.00 76,828
Education  Foundation  & counselling(EFC)-G&C/Nursary&Pry Edu 76,828.00 76,828
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Business Edu & Acct Edu 79,372.00 79,372
Education  Management  & Business Studies(EMBS)Secretarial Education 79,828.00 79,828
Human Kinetics & Health Education(HKHE)-Physical Edu & Health Edu 77,488.00 77,488
Science & Technology Education(STED) Physis Edu/Chem/Bio/Maths/CMP/Integrated Sci 77,488.00 77,488
Engineering(Core)-Civil/Agric    Engr/Mech/CMP/Architecture/Elect.Elect 113,296.00 113,296
Engineering  -(Fine  Arts/Urban&Regional Planing) 101,046.00 101,046
Law 129,996.00 129,996
Medicine 173,396.00 2,500.00 175,896
Basic Medical Sciences 94,236.00 94,236
Pharmacy 146,530.00 146,530
Sciences–GEO/MCB/CMP 94,236.00 94,236
Sciences–Others 86,212.00 86,212


NOTE: In addition to the above, the below listed are to be paid by all students.
TISHIP 2,000.00
ENERGY LEVY 3,500.00
NOTE: Please note that the items listed below are other fees in the school fees schedule above for once and for all payments
Items Medicine BMS Pharmacy Science Education Agric Sc LAW
Manuals      (400 level & 500 Level DE) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A          N/A N/A
Log Book   (400 level & 500 Level DE) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A          N/A N/A
Posting Booklets  (400 level & 500 Level DE) N2500 N/A N/A N/A N/A          N/A N/A
Field Trip NA NA NA N/A N/A          N/A N/A
Siwes Log Book (300 level & 400 Level )    NA NA NA N/A N/A          N/A N/A
Teaching Practice NA NA NA N/A N/A          N/A N/A
Law School Levy 500 Level NA NA NA N/A N/A          N/A N/A
All Spill students are required to pay school fees for that full session.


OOU School Fee for Spillover Students 2022/2023 Session

Olabisi Onabanjo University School Fees for Spillover Students 2022/2023 Session

=N= =N= =N=
SMS-Acctg/Business Admin/Eco/BFN/MComm 100,536.00 100,536
SMS-Others 85,012.00 85,012
Arts 78,112.00 78,112
Agriculture (Agric Econs/CBM) 74,872.00 74,872
Agriculture (Others) 71,728.00 71,728
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Eco/B.Admin. 79,372.00 79,372
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)-Social Studies/Pol Sci/Geography 79,828.00 79,828
Arts & Social Science Education (ASSED)- Eng/Yoruba/History/French/IRS/CRS/ 76,828.00 76,828
Education Foundation & counselling(EFC)-G&C/Nursary&Pry Edu 76,828.00 76,828
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Business Edu & Acct Edu 79,372.00 79,372
Education Management & Business Studies(EMBS)Secretarial Education 79,828.00 79,828
Human Kinetics & Health Education(HKHE)-Physical Edu & Health Edu 77,488.00 77,488
Science & Technology Education(STED) Physis Edu/Chem/Bio/Maths/CMP/Integrated Sci 77,488.00 77,488
Engineering(Core)-Civil/Agric Engr/Mech/CMP/Architecture/Elect.Elect 113,296.00 113,296
Engineering -(Fine Arts/Urban&Regional Planing) 101,046.00 101,046
Law 129,996.00 129,996
Medicine 173,396.00 173,396
Basic Medical Sciences 94,236.00 94,236
Pharmacy 146,530.00 146,530
Sciences–GEO/MCB/CMP 94,236.00 94,236
Sciences–Others 86,212.00 86,212


NOTE: In addition to the above, Please note that the below listed are to be paid by all students.

TISHIP: 2,000.00

ENERGY LEVY: 3,500.00

The total amount payable for the OOU School fee has been outlined above. Kindly read the details to get more information.


If you have any enquiries on OOU School Fee 2022, simply let us know in the comment section below and we will keep you updated.

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