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What Reasons Can I Sue My Employer? (Top 12 Reasons)

Can I Sue My Employer? There are many reasons for an employee to sue an employer. In fact, there are too many of them to share in this article. However, in this article, we will be looking at the most common reasons.

What Reasons Can I Sue My Employer? (Top 12 Reasons)

Before we answer the question, what reasons can I sue my employer, note this. Any time an employee’s employment rights have been violated, they are able to sue. This is to protect employees from retaliation, discrimination, and other violations of rights.

What Reasons Can I Sue My Employer?

  • Illegal Interview Question

Have you ever asked: What reasons can I sue my employer? If yes, then know that this is one of them.

All applicants must be treated equally during the interview process. This means they are evaluated on their skills and experience rather than other irrelevant factors.

Unfortunately, illegal questions are still common during interviews. Women are often asked if they have children or plan to have children. Also, people with disabilities will be asked questions about their disabilities.

These situations are discriminatory and illegal. If an applicant believes they were not offered the job because of their disability, gender, or other protected classes, they can sue.

  • Unfair discipline or Retaliation

Rash discipline in the heat of the moment could lead to a lawsuit. Also, employment retaliation will probably lead to a lawsuit. It is important that all employees are treated equally. Therefore employees should be disciplined equally in similar situations.

Most employers have a company discipline policy. And this is to ensure all employees are treated similarly. Also, supervisors and managers are expected to stick to it.

All employees should be familiar with the discipline policy. And all employees’ discipline should be handled the same way. This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer.

  • Wrongful Termination

Separations in an employment relationship can happen at any time. However, wrongful termination can still sometimes occur. This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer.

The reason for termination must not be one that violates federal or state employment laws. Illegal termination includes:

  1. Poor performance without any negative performance reports or discipline.
  2. Retaliation after filing a complaint.
  3. Lack of a reason for termination.
  4. Discrimination.
  5. Delayed investigation.
  6. Manager or supervisor not following company policy.
  • Illegal Decisions about Medical Requests

This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer. In a sane society, employees’ rights to reasonable accommodation and medical leave are important. You have a right to reasonable medical requests and medical leave.

However, if those requests are denied, you may be able to sue your employer.

  • Unlawful Exemption Decisions

This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer. Being misclassified as an exempt employee means you are missing out on overtime pay.

Employers regularly make this mistake, and it can cost them penalties. Seek legal advice from an employment attorney as to whether you have been correctly classified.

  • Docking Pay or Unpaid Wage

There are very few reasons why an employer is allowed to dock pay. And discipline is not one of them. Also, employers are not legally allowed to dock employees’ pay so that it falls below minimum wage or overtime laws.

Employees also cannot waive their overtime pay or be asked to waive overtime. Nor can employers ask employees to do work off the clock.

  • No Rest Break or Lunch Break

This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer. Meal break laws require that employees are given a minute break. In California, a business is not allowed to hire someone without giving them a lunch break every five hours.

The terms “meal breaks” and “lunch breaks” are used interchangeably. Going against this may result in a lawsuit.


  • Employment Discrimination

What Reasons Can I Sue My Employer?

Employment law is constantly reviewing and redefining what counts as discrimination. Obvious discrimination, while shocking, is easy to recognize and handle. Subtle discrimination is often more difficult,

This is because; while you often feel uneasy, at the time you may not realize that you have been a victim of discrimination. To bring a discrimination lawsuit against your employer, note. You must be able to prove four things.

First, you are part of a legally protected class. Second, you are able to perform your job well. Third, you have suffered a negative employment action.

Fourth, the negative employment action is based on your protected class. This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer.

  • Workplace Harassment

Unfortunately, isolated incidents of inappropriate or offensive comments or jokes are not considered harassment by the law. However, constant comments or jokes are workplace harassment.

This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer. It can bring about more serious hostile work environment complaints. Harassment often happens due to an employee of protected status.

  • Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome sexual attention or advances in the workplace are illegal. This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer.

If the sexual harassment is from a supervisor, manager, or boss, then the employee also faces negative employment action when they refuse the advances.

It is important to first file a complaint with HR. Also, you can contact a neutral supervisor to give your employer a chance to rectify the situation. If no resolution occurs, you are entitled to seek legal action.

  • Retaliation

If your boss retaliates against you for exercising your legal rights or helping another person exercise their legal rights, then you can sue your employer.

This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer. Retaliation includes harassment, demotion, excessive schedule changes, and firing.

You will be protected by the law against retaliation, and you can add retaliation to your original claim.

  • Working without Clocking In

This is one answer to the question of what reasons can I sue my employer. Off-the-clock labour work is often unpaid or does not add to overtime pay and is generally illegal.

If you think you may have a case against your employer, contact an attorney immediately. If you plan to sue your employer, you need to do it for the right reasons.

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