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10 Reasons Why You Should Go to College

Why You Should Go to College: It is frequently said that education leads to enlightenment, enlightenment leads to discovery, and discovery leads to the principles of life. In actuality, without education, the chances of leading the luxurious life you seek in today’s world are extremely slim.

why you should go to college

Reasons Why You Should Go to College

In this article, we’ll be highlighting 10 reasons why you should go to college

1. Better Paying Job

Have you ever applied for a job and the hiring manager said, “You have a qualification?” But since you don’t, he ends up hiring you to clean the bathroom.

It seems disgusting, but it has occurred to me before. To be honest, your chances of landing a solid career without a strong college education are nil.

You won’t be able to become the lawyer, doctor, engineer, writer, banker, etc. you want to be if you don’t attend college.

2. Meet Your Mom’s Expectations

You’ve probably heard your mom say “become a doctor son, make me proud!!!”. my mom says that all the time. Imagine the joy your mom would have when she knows you’re out of college and a doctor.

She would throw a party, dance, and chant your name all day and she would be proud of telling people you’re her son or daughter.

What would happen when you are not in college, you probably know the answer. People understand the importance of going to college and the privilege that comes with it, so when you’re out of college with a degree or so, you’ll make everyone proud.


3. Meet Your Employer’s Expectations

John Williams would say that virtually every job would eventually need a college degree. When he said every Job, he meant every job.

Cleaning, sweeping, and Probably washing too, chances are you won’t do anything without going to college. People want qualifications and you just gotta give it to them if you want to get the job.

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4. Improve Your Social Skills

Improve Your Social Skills

“I was a shy person before I started college. I could not articulate myself. I lost a lot of opportunities since I could not speak in front of a crowd”.

Have you ever heard the adage “college is a world unto itself”? You come across various folks with various personalities and backgrounds.

As you interact with them socially, your confidence grows, and confidence is a precious item. You will meet new pals. Who knows? One of your buddies could be Donald Trump’s child, and then… You’re at a completely different level.

5. Increase Your Understanding of the World

Give a person who’s been to college a certain amount to start a business and a person who hasn’t been to college the same amount.

The result would be different, the person who’s been to college would grow the business more than the other person. The reason is simple; he understands how the market world works, and he uses his understanding to set up a business.

The result would a growing business. In today’s world where competition is high, understanding how the world’s work is crucial.

6. Learn from the Masters of Your Field

Imagine how good you’ll be under the tutor of Wole Soyinka??? You’ll probably be good(except maybe you didn’t pay attention to your studies) college gives you the opportunity to learn from an expert in your field which enhances your knowledge of what you do.

7. A More Secure Future

While it is true that unemployment is a major issue, having a college degree gives you hope for a better job in the future, unlike others who did not attend college.

You may approach any organization with confidence because you have what it takes.

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8. Improve Your Discipline

You’ll need the discipline to complete daily assignments, take notes, conduct research, attend class, read for exams, and so on.

And, believe it or not, you become what you consistently do. You’ll undoubtedly continue to be the disciplined person you were in college when you’re working.

9. Boost Your Financial Savvy

Working-age adults with bachelor’s degrees are 9.4 times more likely to have a bank account than those with a high school diploma as their highest level of education, according to a 2016 report from the Lumina Foundation.

College-educated adults were also less likely to have used expensive forms of credit. Just 2.3% of college-educated adults used pay-day and tax refund loans within the last year, compared to 9.2% of high school graduates without a college education.

10. Be a Better Citizen

Earning your college degree can improve the lives of those around you, too. According to the Lumina Foundation report, 40% of working-age adults with a bachelor’s degree volunteered in their community within the past year, compared to just 17% of high school graduates with no college education.

College degree holders also donated three times more money to charity than workers with no college education, were 1.5 times as likely to consistently vote in local elections and more than twice as likely to take part in a school, community or religious organization, Lumina Foundation found.

We believe this article on “ Why You Should Go to College” was insightful for you. Kindly share with friends and loved ones. Best regards!

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