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Computer Science Internships for Students 2022/2023

Computer Science Internships are vital programs for CS students in Nigeria and abroad. In this article we will discuss Computer Science Internships, types of Computer Science Internships, what to expect from Computer Science Internships, and how to get accepted to Computer Science Internships. Here we go.

Computer Science Internships
Computer Science Internships

To secure a computer science internship, you must first get governmental authorization as an International Student. Check with your advisor as an international student to ensure that you are able to work, especially if you receive compensation.

International students should then apply to as many internships as they are interested in. The more the merrier. To find the perfect internship, many students apply to 12 internships. If they want to get into computer science, an international student should apply for more than 12.

Types of Computer Science Internships

Computer science is an area that is rapidly expanding. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the growth rate of computer science is 19%, which is significantly faster than the average. Computer science internships come in many formats. Each type will suit the job description and career that you are interested in.

Here are some common types of computer science internships.

Front-End Engineering Internship: Interns will be taught how to create the user-facing section of a website. They will learn to code HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and how to debug and test what they create.

Internship in Back-End Engineering: Back-end developers will also write code. However, it is more common for them to use Ruby, Python, and Java. Back-end interns will use data to power websites or applications and help code, debug and test these products.

Full-Stack Software Engineering Internship: Full-stack engineers combine all the knowledge required to create both the front and back ends of websites or applications. You will learn how to optimize technological processes to create digital products that are efficient and useful for the end-user as well as the business.

Mobile Engineering Internship: An internship as a mobile engineer can teach you how code is used to create user-facing apps for iOS and Android.

Product Management Internship: Interns in product management are able to act as a liaison between developers, marketers and designers. They create strategies and execution plans, as well as quality assurance products for clients.

Data Scientist Internship: Data scientists use data and information to create statistical models and customer profiles. They assist in understanding consumer behaviour and designing better products.

How to Get an Internship Abroad

Computer science is a global career path. This means there are many internships around the globe. Internships are available to Americans looking to travel abroad or citizens of other countries. Coding,like math is a universal language.

Popular Computer Science Internships

Apple Internships – Based in Santa Clara California, Apple maintains a searchable database that includes open positions and internships for international students.

Microsoft Internships is based in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft internships can be a great way for you to get in touch with one of the industry’s top leaders. Microsoft interns have a lot of responsibility and can actively take part in projects with full-time employees.

Google Internships – Google has internships in California, New York and Phoenix. This is a great opportunity for international students to pursue computer science internships. Google interns have the same responsibilities as full-time employees and can participate in cutting-edge research projects. Google interns from abroad should be aware of their GPA. Google places a lot of emphasis on potential interns’ academic performance.

Oracle Internships – Based in California, Oracle offers computer science interns high salaries and housing in dorms. Oracle usually hires 40 interns each summer. Applications must be received by February 15, 2019. Oracle does not offer internships for computer science graduates. However, it is a great start to a career in computer science. There are also TikTok and Amazon internships.

An internship is an essential part of a solid computer science education. These simple reminders and listed resources will help international students navigate through the ocean of computer science internships that are available and choose from the many computer science summer internships.

It’s a smart idea to keep in touch with your mentors after you have completed your internship. If you are interested in working for the company in future, this will be a great asset.

You never know what opportunities may open up for you if you have made connections during your internship. You can keep in touch by email, LinkedIn and a phone call every few months to check on your contacts’ progress and to update them. Your internship will be permanent on your resume and your connections can last a lifetime.

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