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How Much do Personal Assistants Make?

How much do Personal Assistants Make: What Do Personal Assistants Get Paid? In the United States, a personal assistant makes an average hourly wage of $14.54. Find out how much do personal assistant make, perks, income satisfaction, and potential earning areas.

How Much do Personal Assistants Make?

How Much do Personal Assistant Make (Low-Range)

What should a personal assistant’s beginning pay be? This group includes applicants making up to $40,000 per year as hourly workers.

These candidates rarely have much experience in the field or have less than two years of experience.

A college degree is unlikely to be held by an assistant.

Among the obligations are running simple errands, getting dry cleaning, washing and strolling pets, light meal preparation, and other duties.

Many people have administrative tasks. There are situations when performance bonuses are awarded.

How Much do Personal Assistant Make (Medium-Range)

In this region how much do personal assistants make is a pretty basic question.

Personal assistants make between $40,000 and $80,000 annually.

These people frequently have two to four years of PA experience from a prior job.

Employees at this level frequently work for high-profile bosses, famous people, and wealthy families.

Most personal assistants work as career PAs and have a college degree.

Candidates at this level have knowledge of private aircraft scheduling and routinely fly with the VIPs for which they work (in a shadow capacity).

Performance-based end-of-year bonuses are common at this level.


How Much do Personal Assistants Make (High-Range)

How Much do Personal Assistants Make?

PAs in this group often start off making between $80,000 and $150,000 annually.

We shall consider how much do personal assistants Make in the high range PA Besides health insurance and a 401(k), end-of-year bonuses are usually included in the compensation package.

In this world, assistants frequently have five to ten years of experience, a college degree, and highly sought-after specific skill sets.

Typically, they are executive assistants that may operate both in and outside of offices, even in the field (on location).

Salary for Ultra-high-end Personal Assistants on Average

We shall look at the Ultra high end PA when considering how much do personal assistants Make.

At UHR, personal assistants can expect to make between $150,000 and $250,000.

At the very least, they should have a BA or BS, but a master’s degree in a field related to the employer’s line of work is more likely.

Besides being the VIP’s personal assistants, these individuals will also act as the VIP’s business manager or an elite executive assistant with access to a sizable sum of money and credit.

These assistants are top prospects in their field and frequently have 10 to 15 years of experience.

How Much do Personal Assistants Make (Market Factor)

When considering How much do Personal Assistants Make, we have to look at all the angle.

Large cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, New York, Washington, DC, Chicago, and Miami will naturally have higher average base wages than smaller ones.

It is difficult to calculate a national average for these vocations due to all the variables outside of geography.

When determining pay, businesses must consider how valuable “privacy” and “peace of mind” are to the Principal who is hiring them.

The time spent looking for new hires will increase dramatically if a company only pays top candidates depending on their job duties.

Lost time equates to lost money.

Studies show that replacing an employee costs the same as their annual wage. A search is required.

Considerations That Go Beyond “City” to Determine a Personal Assistant’s Salary

In 2021 and 2022, employers should think about choosing a candidate based on career insights and adjusting compensation under a relevant role with high responsibility.

Offering the brightest prospects a fancy job title like Chief of Staff won’t work if the benefits package doesn’t match the level of responsibility.

Salaries for personal assistants working for celebrities, prominent CEOs, and Fortune 500 firms must be quite competitive in order to attract and keep the best talent.

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