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How to Share Data on MTN and Ways to Share Airtime

Do you want to know how to transfer airtime on MTN? Would you love to learn how to share data on MTN? If yes, then read this article. There are easy ways you can share your MTN airtime credit or with any MTN phone number of your choice.

Mobile users can share their airtime and data through simple codes. And they can easily complete this simple process within seconds.

How to Share Data on MTN and Ways to Share Airtime

Follow this detailed guide to know how to use this service easily. But then, before we go further, what is airtime? What is data? In fact, what is MTN?

Meaning of MTN

MTN is an acronym for Mobile Telephone Network. Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) is a South Africa-based multinational mobile telecommunications company.

It operates majorly in African countries including Nigeria. MTN headquarter is located in Johannesburg.  Now that you know what MTN actually means! Let’s get to the real deal!

What You Need to Know about How to Share Data on MTN and Airtime

As said earlier, the time spent communicating using a mobile phone is what we know as Airtime. The time is tracked by wireless carriers (service providers). And the aim is to determine billing charges.

Usage includes sending or receiving calls and another wireless transmission such as faxes, e-mail or data files.

Sometimes a person wishes to ‘borrow’ or ‘gift’ his or her airtime to another MTN line. Interestingly, you always can take the advantage of fast MTN airtime transfer service and share your Credit with others.

Another name you can call this is “Share ‘N’ Sell“. This is a great service and it’s wonderful! It makes it easy to send airtime from one MTN to another MTN. This service is available to all MTN users both prepaid and postpaid!

MTN Airtime Default PIN

Before you learn how to share data on MTN, know this. MTN default PIN is 0000. And you need to change it before you can transfer MTN Credit to another MTN!

It is not advisable to use the default PIN due to security reasons! Just like your ATM PIN, you don’t want anyone to know that, right?


How to Change MTN Credit Transfer PIN

Before you learn how to share data on MTN, know this. To be able to transfer airtime, you must change the default PIN which is 0000. To change MTN transfer PIN, there are two ways;

  • You can change your MTN transfer PIN via SMS (Message).
  • Also, you can change your MTN transfer PIN by dialling2 the USSD code.
  • How to Change your MTN Airtime Transfer PIN via SMS
  • Send an SMS containing “your default PIN [space] New PIN [space] New PIN” to 777.

Take for Example:

  • Your default PIN is 0000 and your new pin is 6789.
  • You will send 0000 6789 6789 to 777.
  • How to Change your MTN Transfer PIN via USSD Code
  • Dial *777*Default PIN*New PIN*New PIN# on your phone.

Take for Example:

  • Your default PIN is 0000 and your new pin is 6789.
  • You will dial *777*0000*6789*6789# on your phone.

Once you change your PIN, note. An SMS will be sent to you informing you that you have successfully changed your Transfer PIN.

Now that you know how to change your MTN Transfer PIN, let’s move to How to transfer airtime on MTN.

Oh! Before I explain to you how to transfer airtime on MTN, let me quickly take you through some things to know about MTN Airtime Transfer

Things to Know about How to Share Data on MTN and Airtime Transfer


Before you learn how to share data on MTN, know this. You can transfer up to N100, 000.00 from your phone. And this is to either a single or multiple MTN accounts every day.

There is no limit to the maximum number of transactions per day. If your MTN prepaid account does not have enough airtime to cover the amount you have requested to send, note. The transaction will not be completed and you will receive an error message.

Airtime transfer attracts a small fee. The most you can be charged is N10 per transfer. And the minimum amount that can be transferred is N50.

You can only transfer in Naira amounts and not in kobo. That is you can transfer N71.00 but not N71.99. Also, you can transfer between N50.00 – N5, 000.00 in a single transaction.

If you are a postpaid customer, you will only be able to transfer airtime when your account is positive. You will not be able to transfer airtime when your account is negative. I know you are in hurry to know how to transfer airtime on MTN, now let’s get to business!

How to Transfer Airtime from MTN

To transfer airtime on MTN, you need to know the MTN Transfer Code! There is a specific code each network provider uses to transfer airtime from one user to another. So, how can you know the code? Well, keep reading!

No matter how you are searching for your answer, you still arrive at the MTN transfer code! So what is the transfer code?

For USSD: *600*…….#

For SMS: 777

  • You don’t get it! Okay, keep reading!
  • To transfer/share airtime on MTN, there are two ways;
  • You can send airtime on MTN using SMS and.
  • Also, you can share airtime using USSD Code.

How to Transfer Airtime on MTN from MTN to MTN using SMS

All you need to do is to follow this simple format;

  • Send Transfer [space] Recipient’s Number [space] Airtime Amount [space] Transfer PIN to 777.
  • Take for instance: That you wish to send N150 airtime to 09012345678 and your Transfer PIN is 6789. So, you send “Transfer 09012345678 150 6789″ to 777.

Things to Know about How to Share Data on MTN and Airtime Transfer

To share Airtime on MTN, follow this simple format;

  • Dial *600*Recipient’s Number*Airtime Amount*Transfer PIN#
  • Take for instance: You wish to send N150 airtime to 09012345678 and your Transfer PIN is 6789
  • You dial, *600*09012345678*150*6789#
  • You will then receive a message notifying you that your transfer is successful!

OH!! Before I forget! I said transferring airtime on MTN attracts a small fee, right? So, I figured I should let you know how much Airtime transfer costs!

  • If you transfer N1 to N100, the transfer cost will be N3.
  • If you transfer N101 to N500, the transfer cost will be N5.
  • Also, if you transfer N501 to N5000, the transfer cost will be N10.

How to Share Data on MTN

There are 3 tips on how to share data on the MTN network. They are USSD, SMS, or the MTN App.

How to Share Data on MTN with USSD

Below is how to share data on MTN with USSD:

  • Dial *131*7# on your phone’s caller app.
  • Select option 1: Transfer from data balance.
  • Enter the recipient’s phone number.
  • Select the amount of data to send.
  • Select option 1: Confirm the transaction.

How to Share Data on MTN with SMS

Below is how to share data on MTN with SMS:

  • Open your message app.
  • Type “Transfer” followed by friend’s number followed by data amount. For example Transfer 08130300000 1000.
  • Send a message to 131.
  • You will receive a confirmation message if your data transfer is successful.

How to Share Data on MTN with APP

Below is how to share data on MTN with APP:

  • Login to your MyMTN mobile app. If you don’t have the app, you can download it here and register your details.
  • On the app’s homepage, click on the “Share” option.
  • You will be shown data and airtime sharing options. Select “Data”.
  • Enter the amount of data you wish to share, and the recipient’s phone number.
  • Select “Proceed”.

I am confident that this post has answered your question on “How to share data on MTN. But if by chance you still have any questions to ask, feel free to leave me a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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