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How to Write a Letter of Permission to be Absent From Work

Letter of Permission to be Absent From Work: A Letter of permission to be absent from work should be written in the right manner. However, this sort of paper should employ proper language and punctuation. Your employer is under no obligation to fulfill your request if you draft the letter appropriately.

Table of Content

1. Writing a Permission Letter

2. Format for Letter of Permission to be Absent From Work.

3. Sample Letter of Permission to be Absent From Work.

4. A Letter of Permission to Travel

Letter Of Permission To Be Absent From Work

Writing a Permission Letter

A permission letter is a formal letter submitted to higher authorities to request permission to attend an event, utilize a facility, or request leave.

Use a respectful and polite tone should be used while writing a permission letter. Make sure the sender’s and receiver’s addresses are correct, as well as the date the letter was sent.

When both parties are well familiar with one other, the sender’s address may not be necessary to disclose.

The objective of the letter is stated in the subject line, which is followed by the greeting or salutation.

The rationale for your request should be explained in the body of the letter. Close the letter by mentioning the sender’s signature, name, and designation.

Format for Letter of Permission to be Absent From Work

A regular or typical letter of authorization is used. This, however, may differ based on your company’s rules and practices.

It is critical to have appealing material written in a professional tone. This is how you should style your letter.

Provide your Contact Information:

If required, include your address and phone number.


It is the date on which the letter is being written.

Recipient’s Contact Information:

This is the address of the person who will receive your letter.


This area allows you to state the letter’s purpose. Make sure it’s only a few words long, only eight, and that it’s highlighted.


Use polite salutations such as Dear Sir/Madame or the name of the receiver.


It includes pertinent information about why you’re writing the letter, the day you’d want to be absent, and a request for permission.


You should include your signature and name in the conclusion. You may not need to give all of the information above in some circumstances.

Sample Letter of Permission to be Absent From Work

You can use the Letter of Permission to be Absent From Work sample below to persuade your boss to give you time off.

Make a list of everything that needs to be included, as well as the language that will be used. You should focus your letter on your specific reason for being absent from work.



The Human Resources Manager

_____________(Name of the Company)

______________ (Address)

Date: __ /__ /____ (Date)

Subject: Letter of Permission required for ________ (reason) on ______ (Include the date)

Respectfully, my name is _____________ (Name) and I work in _____________ (Department) of your _______________ (Organization/Institution/Ministry). My ID number is __________ (Employee ID).

I am writing to request permission to be absent from work on / / (Date) for the purpose of (Traveling/visiting family) (Also, give a good reason your permission should be granted), for which I have previously applied on / / and it is awaiting your approval. Please grant my request for permission to be absent from work.

I apologize for any trouble this may cause the office. However, I have transferred all of my outstanding responsibilities, as well as any other responsibilities that may arise during my absence, to my colleague. I would also be willing to assist in any manner possible on my phone line.

I humbly anticipate your sincere comment on this issue. I would also appreciate your favorable feedback.

Yours Thankfully,


—————-( Signature)

—————- (Contact Number)


Finances, Liam

P.O. BOX 123456, P.O. BOX 16

Plot 246, Garki

Uyo, Nigeria

Emmanuel Austin

Head of the Department of Auditing,

Finances, Liam

27th of August, 2022

Dear Madam,

REF: Permission to be Absent from Work

I’m writing to request leave from work on August 29, 2020. On September 14, 2022, I plan to return to work.

The reason for my absence is that I will be in Calabar for the Annual Audit Conference 2020.

The gathering is part of the company’s regular operating procedure for informing department heads of new regulatory, reporting, and disclosure requirements.

I’ll be gone for 14 days, returning to work on September 15, 2020. I’ve delegated all of my obligations to my Assistant Stephen Richard while I’m abroad.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Esma Diem

————-Signature line


Chinedu John

No 4 Behind first Inland,



24th July 2022

The Ministry of Labour and Interior

No 16 Ministry of Labour House,

Office of the PA to the President.

Dear ma,

Please accept this letter as a formal request for a leave of absence. My absence is due to illness, notably malaria and hypotension. I’d want to take two days off. The leave will extend from July 16th to July 17th, 2022.

I will be available to address any inquiries concerning my work throughout my absence.


Chukwu John (Name)




When you have a test, how do you draft a note of absence? The document follows the same format as the others. This is an example of how to draft a school leave application.


The Manager…

Institute Name…

Institute Address…


Dear Sir/Madam,

I request you to kindly grant me one day leave from my duty as I have to attend my school exam (mention the date). I would be most humble to you if you accept my request. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Job description

Contact no…



Do you know how to write a permission letter when you want to travel? Your letter should state your reason for travel among other things.

Needless to say that your purpose for the trip needs to be reasonable. Here is a sample of a letter requesting permission to travel.


The Manager…

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Re: Permission To Be Absent From Work

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request permission to be absent from work for two weeks from (date to date) to attend an event. I will be away for 14 days and promise to return to work on (specify the date).

In the meantime, I have assigned all my work responsibilities to my assistant, (mention name). Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,


Job description

Contact no…


A Letter of Permission to Travel

Letter Of Permission To Be Absent From WorkA letter of permission to travel is a written request to your superiors detailing your plans to be absent from work for a tour, vacation, or other reason.

Your supervisor may approve or reject it, especially if you’ve used up all of your leave days, off days, and other contractual days.

It’s difficult to write because of this. Understand the following if you want to create a persuasive letter of permission from work:

  • As a formal letter, it must include precise information in accordance with company policy and practice.
  • When composing the letter, use a professional tone.
  • In a conversational tone, address it to your supervisor.
  • Provide a compelling justification for your request to be excused from work.
  • Use a business-like format.

A request for a leave of absence is made through a letter of authorization to be absent from work. When composing it, keep it short and to the point.

To persuade the receiver to approve your request, employ good language and a professional tone.

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